A List of Santa’s Reindeers Names [And Their Personalities]

A List of Santa’s Reindeers Names [And Their Personalities]

Although Rudolf “The Red-Nosed” Reindeer is the most popular of Santa’s Reindeer (and probably your favorite), you’ll be surprised to know that Rudolph is NOT one of the original 8. If you get tired of reading trivia like this, feel free to relax on pages such as 카지노 먹튀.

It’s true, a long-long time ago a poet Clement C. Moore, scribed Santa’s Reindeer into existence by saying, “Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer, and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Dunder and Blixem!”.

And thus the 8 Reindeer were born:

  • Dasher
  • Dancer
  • Prancer
  • Vixen
  • Comet
  • Cupid
  • Dunder
  • Blixem

Now, I know what your thinking;  “I didn’t see Rudolph on the list, so where did she come from?” Also, “Did I just read she”, yes you did and I’ll later explain how I know that all reindeer are female.

Rudolph “The Red-Nosed” Reindeer came into fruition when a copywriter created Rudolph to help with a Christmas store promotion. Today, we don’t think of Rudolph as a promotion but rather as a bright-nosed, joyful reindeer who helped guide Santa’s sleigh that one cloudy night. So in total, the eight original reindeer from Moore’s poem plus Rudolf gives Santa nine reindeer. Their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, Blixem, and Rudolf.

Santa's Reindeer pulling a sled

Here’s a list of Santa’s Reindeer names & their personalities:

Dasher: The Fast One

“Look there she goes, did you see her?” is often the phrase people say when Dasher is around. She’s definitely the fastest reindeer of Santa’s crew and you’ll find her right behind Rudolf on the sled, leading the pack. She’s always busy doing reindeer things and training for the big day, December 25th. She’s got an answer to any question and loves to hang out with her reindeer pals.

Dasher’s traits

  • very social
  • great at sports
  • cares about her peers
  • happy and energized

Dancer: The Groovy One

Whenever any Reindeer has a birthday or special day to celebrate, Dancer is the one to put the party together. She just loves getting her friends together and having a good time with them. She’s always on time and others find her a good friend to talk to as she’s a great listener. Mrs. Claus says Dancer is always great company and they often bake in the kitchen as that’s their favorite thing to do together.

Dancer’s traits

  • always down to start groovin’
  • celebrate any occasion
  • loves to go out with her friends
  • has a big heart

Prancer: The Group Rouser

We’ve all got that one friend that loves to take photos and videos of the group having a good time so they can remember later, that friend is Prancer. She also loves pulling pranks on her friends and can sometimes go a little too far, but she always has good intentions. She’s very outgoing and loves to get the reindeer crew together and spend time together. If she’s by herself she is often scrapbooking the memories and good times that she and her friends had together.

Prancer’s traits

  • has a great memory
  • very smart
  • loves spontaneity
  • always on time

Vixen: The Entertainer

Ever had that one friend that’s always picking up a new hobby to show off to their friends, well that’s Vixen. One week she’s trying to do magic and another it’s comedy, then another it’s sports with a bowstring, but she’s always having fun learning something new. She thrives on being entertaining and often puts on a show inviting all in the North Pole, including Mr. and Mrs. Clause, to showcase her talents to.

Vixen’s traits

  • loves to be the center of attention
  • jack of all trades
  • fast learner
  • loves to make people laugh

Comet: The “Mom”

Comet is an all-around great girl; she loves to make people laugh, laid-back, honest, but most importantly loves helping others. All the children look up to Comet as she is never thinking of herself and always making sure everyone is having a good time. She is often referred to as the “mom” of the group and thinks of her friends as family.

Comet’s traits

  • thinks highly of her friends
  • loves to give back
  • very caring
  • will go out of her way for friends

Cupid: The Loving One

She often walks around with heart-shaped jewelry on and her motto is “spread the love”.  Despite her name may imply, her favorite holiday is STILL Christmas, and loves hanging up decorations, getting into the holiday spirit, and cooking (even though she isn’t very good). You’ll never find her by herself but always with other reindeer partying and dancing through the night.

Cupid’s traits

  • the most social out of all her friends
  • very friendly
  • makes everyone feel comfortable
  • loves to party

Donner: The Singer

Coupled with Dancer, Donner also loves to be the life of the party she’s a singer at heart and loves to perform for all her friends. Her favorite song to perform is “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, and she’s the type of person to get people in the holiday spirit. When she’s not singing and hanging out with her friends you’ll find her helping the elves getting boys and girl’s toys ready for Christmas time.

Donner’s traits

  • very creative
  • strong personality
  • helps others before herself
  • loves to be around people

Blitzen: The Spontaneous One

Blitzen got her nickname from a young age, she started to test her abilities and began flying younger than any of Santa’s Reindeer. She is always pushing the limits of herself and her fellow reindeer by helping others reach their full potential. Blitzen is always rushing to try something new and cannot wait to tall her reindeer friends about the adventures she’s going on.

Blitzen’s traits

  • adventurer
  • full of energy
  • seeks thrill
  • finishes anything she starts

Rudolph: Santa’s Guiding Light

Joining the crew as Santa’s ninth reindeer. She was a little shy and self-conscious at first as Santa’s other reindeer wouldn’t let Rudolph play in any of their reindeer games. Although Rudolph started out shy, once Santa asked her to guide his sleigh one cloudy night she turned into a natural born leader. Rudolph is a someone who brings people together, a hard worker, and a loving person.

Rudolph’s traits

  • loves traveling
  • a little shy
  • loves helping others
  • a natural born leader

Reindeer Fun Fact:

Now back to the question of Santa’s Reindeers gender, Live Science tells us that only male reindeer shed their antlers in the early days of December. Since Christmas time is at the end of the month, December 25th, and Santa’s reindeer HAS antlers at that time; then they all must be female!

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